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Category Archives Criminal Defense Attorney

DUI, Immigration Matters

Driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious felony that is penalized severely and may include jail time for the offender. Such felony can be thought of as an aggravated one since you are not only putting your own life in peril, but that of innocent citizens that may be dramatically involved in an unwanted consequence of your driving while intoxicated.
Being an immigrant and getting caught DUI and/or DWI (as any other felony) may have some immigration added consequences that you may want to avoid. This, of course, will bring impact not only to you, but your beloved ones. If you find yourself being arrested due to the commission of this fault, you should get in contact with Chung, Malhas, and Mantel attorneys. You can view their section on DUI right here: or visit their main page here:

Immigration consequences of DUI

Even though committing the felony of driving under alcoholic influence (0.08% or above alcohol in your bloodstream) will not get you a direct deportation, it can lead to imprisonment and removal of some immigration privileges. The amended Immigration and National Act (INA) approves the deportation of a legal immigrant if this one has been found to commit a crime of violence. The Supreme Court does not consider DUI a “crime of violence”, therefore this cannot make you liable to a direct deportation. Nevertheless, it might make you be considered a person with a not-so-good moral character at the moment of reviewing naturalization steps.
As with all crimes, incidence plays a role for you on the negative side. Relapsing on drunk driving (In fact, getting arrested three times, according to a bill passed on by the House and Senate in 2006 is considered an aggravated felony) might be considered a “crime of violence”, putting you in line for deportation. This leads up to one year of imprisonment and, in the case of an immigrant, consequences for your naturalization status, as explained above.

What will an attorney do for you?

It is important that you hire a professional attorney in the case you get arrested for drunk driving. The consequences of being convicted of such felony may produce a negative impact on your immigration status and, consequently, on those who depend on you. An experienced attorney from Chung, Malhas, and Mantel will take your case and make your sentence get reduced or even dismissed. They offer you a free consultation and counseling for you and your family. Lawyers at CMM have vast experience in such cases and can guarantee you being set free of charges, therefore protecting your immigration status.
Keep in mind that even though you can defend yourself, you do not have the professional experience an attorney has. A counselor knows about laws and knows how to turn them into your favor. Lawyers at the firm will carry in your case with the required dedication and professionalism. Get in touch with an attorney today. You should not let one mistake cause you irreversible criminal and immigration records.
